Take yourself on a self-guided tour of the Garden by following the steps below. There's much of interest and lots to see!

1. Ornamental Bed
All plants donated by the community. Cherry trees also planted in the centre of this bed.
2. No Dig garden – Vegetable bed
No Dig gardening avoids disturbing the soil (which is bad for the health of the soil and releases carbon). So, in Autumn 2020, we simply removed the creeping buttercup and scutch grass, and covered it all with cardboard and leaves (both donated by the community).
Then we created paths of shredded Xmas trees, and layered peat-free compost onto the beds. In the Spring of 202, the beds were planted with a variety of veg.
Anyone involved in the garden can partake of the harvest and when we have lots, we offer it free to the community.
3. Compost Bins (DIY)
A community gardens member made the compost bins from old pallets. We use the compost on the beds to enrich the soil. This also means we won't need to purchase any more.
We encourage everyone to compost in their garden. It is very easy to do. We will be giving talks on this in the coming months.

4. Rectangular Beds
These beds were funded by Kilcock Tidy Towns and one of the first things we did to get the garden going. We plan to move these beds in the future and create a wheelchair accessible bed in this area.

5. Herb Bed / Espalier Apple Project
The herb bed is doing really well. It has produced basil mint, thyme, oregano (multiple varieties), and chives, amongst others. It was also funded by Tidy Towns and built by volunteers.
We're planning a circular fence to grow apple trees in the espalier method. This will demonstrate how anyone can have an apple tree in their garden even if their garden is very small.

6. Fruit Forest
The fruit forest is planted with apple, pear, plum, and cob nut trees. The under-canopy is blackcurrant, gooseberry and jostaberry.
We will continue developing this area. Students and teachers from Scoil Dara helped plant this area and we would urge all residents associations and schools to consider having an area like this.
7. Sculpture Area
This area will feature sculptures which were ordered by Tidy Towns before Covid, and we are awaiting word from Kildare County Council regarding their installation.
We are also going to install a large sign/noticeboard in the garden to tell people what is going on and to give information. We will change this information regularly – so once its installed keep an eye on it for news and info.
8. Teresa Brayton Heritage Group Memorial
The Teresa Brayton Heritage Group have sponsored a Pear Tree for our Fruit Forest and installed this lovely memorial in honour of all those in the Kilcock area who lost their lives in the struggle for independence.

9. Fruit Forest / Wild Meadow
This area has a few fruit trees planted, but is mostly intended for wild meadow. We are observing the area closely. KCC planted it with wildflower seeds two years ago, and we saw last year it was mostly dog daisy and yarrow. These have now faded as more vigorous grasses take over. We hope over time to see the emergence of species that we know are in the seed bank in this area (cuckoo flower, pyramidal orchid) as the area returns to a more natural state.
10. Native Irish Trees – Perimeter
The Garden perimeter has been planted with native Irish trees. The intention (apart from the fact that we need more trees everywhere!) here is to shelter the garden from the prevailing westerly winds. Trees are much better at providing shelter rather than, say, a full hedge which causes more turbulent wind as it rises over the hedge.
11. Bug Hotel
We made the bug hotel out of old pallets. We hope to have a bug hotel making workshop in the garden to teach everyone a little basic woodwork and to give you a bug hotel for your garden or estate.

12. Old Hedgerow
This little piece of hedgerow is actually one of the most important parts of the garden and we are delighted that it was preserved. Our hedgerows contain our native Irish species and are an important habitat. Leaving as much of the hedgerows as possible provides connectivity, habitats and foraging areas for our wildlife. We are actively encouraging the new housing developments in the area to leave as much of the existing hedgerow as possible.
13. Planned Play Area
We hope to put in some more features to encourage children to play and become involved in the garden. We already have several children involved and know that many are enjoying the garden. We hope to work with the schools, Scouts and families on various projects.
14. Wild Meadow
More wild meadow area. We encourage every estate in the town to try have a little wild meadow. If you mow a waving path through, it provides a delightful walkway to immerse yourself in nature, and observe bees, butterflies and other wildlife. A mown lawn provides none of these things.
15. Fruit Trees
More Fruit Trees.